Pilates!! and it’s fitness Friday today and we’re diving deep into a timeless trend in the fitness world – Pilates! This low-impact exercise routine has been around for decades, but its popularity shows no signs of fading. Why? Because it offers a multitude of benefits for your body and mind, regardless of your fitness level.
What is it?
Pilates is a system of exercises that combines controlled movements with focused breathing. The core focus is on building strength and flexibility, improving your posture, and strengthening those all-important core stabilizing muscles. These low-impact exercises are gentle on your joints, making them a great option for people of all ages and fitness levels.

How Your Body Benefits.
Beyond its incredible ability to build core strength, scientific studies have shown that it can offer a wide range of benefits, from improving your sleep to training your core. Here are four of our favorite science-backed ways Pilates can benefit your body:
- Improved Balance and Body Awareness: Pilates‘ emphasis on mindful movement and breathwork enhances proprioception, which is your body’s awareness of its position and movement in space. This heightened awareness can help prevent injuries and falls, especially as we age.
- Increased Mobility: Pilates incorporates slow and controlled stretching movements that improve flexibility while simultaneously strengthening your muscles. While improved flexibility alone may not provide significant functional benefits, increased mobility is crucial for better joint movement.
- Reduced Stress and Boosted Mood: Pilates exercises, with their focus on breathwork, can help lower your stress levels. By focusing on your breathing, you signal to your nervous system to reduce cortisol production, the stress hormone. Additionally, like any form of exercise, it increases oxygen flow and blood circulation, which stimulates the release of feel-good endorphins, leaving you feeling energized and motivated. A study conducted with students even showed that Pilates can boost motivation, achievement, and cognitive function.
- Improved Posture: Pilates strengthens postural muscles and brings awareness to your body alignment. With improved posture, you can reduce the risk of headaches, back pain, and shoulder pain.
Popular Types of Pilates
There are several different types of Pilates, each offering a unique twist on the core principles. Here are four popular variations to consider:
- Mat Pilates: Perfect for beginners, this provides a fantastic introduction to the fundamental movements. Using only your bodyweight, Mat Pilates exercises target core control, strength, and stamina. Popular exercises include the “hundred” (a variation on the crunch where you perform 100 small pulses), leg circles that challenge your core stability, planks and side planks, and single and double leg stretches.
- Reformer Pilates: Utilizes a reformer machine, which resembles a bed-like sliding carriage with straps, springs, and pulleys. Many of the exercises are similar to those found in the above but the addition of straps allows you to hold and pull against resistance, increasing the intensity of the workout.
- Contemporary Pilates: This approach is considered a hybrid, breaking away from the traditional, rigid sequence of movements and incorporating elements from other exercise disciplines.
- HIIT Pilates: Capitalizing on the popularity of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), combines traditional Pilates exercises like bridges, leg lifts, and planks with bursts of heart-pounding cardio. This combination allows you to benefit from controlled strength building while also burning more calories.
No matter your fitness goals or experience level, there’s a variation out there for you. So why not give it a try and see how this timeless trend can transform your body and mind?
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